
for Exhibitions and Conferences

About us

Al-Aridh for Exhibitions, Conferences and Trade Agencies Ltd

Al-Aridh is an integrated company for managing events and organizing
conferences, exhibitions, business trips and various commercial agencies. Its
headquarters are in Baghdad, Iraq.

The company was established in 2004, and has since then been offering its
professional services in managing and organizing all kinds of events, exhibitions and
conferences. It also takes pride in its full professional concentration on its clients
and the long-term relations with them.

Our Vision

Based on a belief that every project is unique in its creativity, scheduling of
appointments and budget, our company is committed to seeing through your every
activity successfully, and presenting creative new ideas that act as a link between
project owners and investors, to answer to all the needs and services necessary;
this makes Al-Arid the perfect choice for hosting significant events.

Our Approach

Creating and improving business plans and providing our clients with specific
recommendations for hosting events. All of which will make the event the talk of
the hour.

Our Message

Focusing on details and on the quality and nature of work, through the quality
of the requested services, thanks to an ever up-to-date knowledge in managing
exhibitions and conferences, and keeping up with advancements in the field, in an
aim to achieve the best results.

Our Values

Our work is shaped by our passion and enthusiasm, and powered by a deep
understanding of the importance of our work. We provide support to each other in
order to leave a life-changing effect that benefits all parties.

We don’t just say, we do. And we follow the highest professional and moral

We take responsibility of our actions. And we aim to implement the values of
modesty, transparency and competency in everything we do.

We work together in a team spirit, hand in hand towards success and growth.


Hosting exhibitions and conferences

 Provides a complete study, a business plan with an estimation budget for the
 Provides an advice and suggestions regarding the perfect venue to host the
 Plan, organize and manage in a high standard professional level.
 Provides all the necessary equipment and accessories.
 Media publicity (visual- audible- printed)
 Advertising material (invitations, posters, badges, conference packages…
 A designed show catalogue for each exhibition.
 Register the exhibitors and visitor’s names for each event, to create a
specialized database.
 Build and design the exhibition stands and pavilions.
 Design and implement the interior and exterior (special design).
 Assistance in an administrative and legal issues; as well as providing
consultations upon contract signature.
 Provide guides and hostesses who master foreign languages.
 An Internet connection available (WI-FI) during the events.


 Organize academic, medical, commercial and training conferences.
 Prepare administrative, organizational, schematic and advisory meetings.
 Press conferences.
 Board meetings and Annual meetings.
 Special occasions, business dinners and corporate celebrations.
 Opening ceremonies.
 Ceremonies awards.
 VIP events and meetings.

Media Services

 We make use of all advertorial means and media outlets in order to build and
establish clients and reinforce their statuses.
 Social media services.
 Interior and exterior advertisements.
 Professional photography and video.
 Advertorial campaigns: Radios, television channels, newspapers and
 Direct E-mail campaigns.
 Publications and various advertising materials.

Logistic Services

 Shipping and customs clearance to and from destinations all around the world
(Air, Land and Sea), there is an official clearance office for our company in
Baghdad international Airport & agents in all of Iraqi boarder.
 Local transport to and from the venue.
 Available storage space.
 Welcoming and escorting delegations and public figures to and from Baghdad
International Airport.
 Booking hotels and airplane tickets at convenient prices.
 Providing protection services to public figures.
 Following up with procedures of granting entry visas.

Public Relations Services

 Medial and advertorial relations.
 Governmental relations.
 Media and journalistic reports.
 Researches and marketing.
 Contacting clients.


Designed and executed the special booth for Al-Balsan Trading Co.

Designed and executed the special booth for Al-Balsan Trading Co. (the Exclusive agent for TOSOT and HISENSE in Iraq)[…]